Welcome to Chris Wewerka Software Development

I`m looking forward to support you in your Scala, Kotlin and Java & Python, Microservice, ZIO (Programming with functional effects in general), Big Data + Machine Learning, Kafka and Spring projects. I have over 23 years of experience in Software architecture, Software Development, DevOps and Coaching ranging from front end technologies to back end implementation. Also I have more than 10 years of real project experience in Scala and building Microservices with reactive Frameworks in the cloud. Since one year I program with functional effects using ZIO 1 + 2 with Scala 3. Several years of experience with Big Data technologies like Kafka may help you too. Strong experience in Docker guaranteed. I'm also an expert in setting up build systems and continuous integration to optimize the productivity of the whole development team. Over one year I also got a lot of experience in AI and Prompt Engineering.

Typical roles in projects

  • Software Architect
  • Senior Developer
  • Technology Consultant
  • Coach
  • Prompt Engineer


Scala, Kotlin, Docker, Java (all currently released versions), Amazon Web Services, Kafka, Microservices, Spark, JEE, Spring (including in depth knowledge of several Spring projects like Spring Webflow, Spring MVC, Spring Batch), Android, Groovy & Grails, Hibernate, JMS + AMQP + MQTT, SQL Databases, Application Servers (JBoss, Weblogic, Websphere), Webservices, strong focus on testing: unit and integration testing (JUnit, DBUnit, Mockito, EasyMock, Selenium, Scalatest) and Acceptance testing (Fitnesse), detailed Continuous integration know how (Cruisecontrol, Jenkins, Gitlab) and build system know how (Maven, Ant, SBT).

See my profile for further details.


IT Business Assurance

Mehr Informationen zur  Berufshaftpflicht von Chris Wewerka Softwareentwicklung, Augsburg